Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What people are saying the Heart-Opening Lighten Up process!

I just had to share this with you before I fix my lunch. I just returned home from my weekly massage. My massage therapist Debra was one of the friends to whom I planned to gift the “Lighten Up” cd. She ended up playing it during my massage session (we got as far as your husband sharing about the rainbow technique when my session ended). I gave it to Debra, as I had given it to Chris, with only them in mind. But Debra, just as Chris, told me that she knew several clients who would benefit from listening to the cd—and that she planned to go to your website and order copies for people. I had the cassette tape sitting in my collection for years before I finally decided to listen to it. When I listened to it several months ago, wonderful energy things began to happen, and I began to notice the positive impact my energy was having on others. I feel fortunate to be a means of getting the message out to more people by sharing what I’ve experienced listening to the program and now by sharing copies with others.
There is hope because “Only Love Prevails.”
SE, Huntsville, Alabama

I have lived my life with a birth defect. The muscles in my left shoulder are constricted which causes it to curve down toward my chest. Years of physical therapy and other medical treatment have had no effect. After only two weeks of doing the Lighten Up process my shoulder has straightened out. I had always cursed my shoulder-little did I know that all it needed was love!
M.E.E., Ukiah, CA

I was scheduled for surgery in December for removal of fibroid tumors that had been growing for three years. I started Carol’s Lighten Up process in October. When I went in for my pre-op physical, the tumors had disappeared. The doctors were amazed-no one could explain it. I know The Magic of Lighten Up was responsible-that was the only change I had made in my life. I know I will do this process everyday for the rest of my life. Thank you!
M.P., Kenosha, WI

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